Family Organizer App by Picniic. Weekly Bug Crawl by QAwerk

Family Organizer by Picniic for iOS


Picniic is an assistant to the whole family, providing the ways to be more productive, organized and connected than you can imagine. It has useful features like shared family calendar, shopping, to-do, and grocery list, family locator, meal planner, and many more. But even the most useful features in an app can be overshadowed by its flaws. Let’s see how seriously its developers took quality assurance.

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1,5k ratings

Crash after you go back from the ‘Calendar Colors’ page in Settings



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Tap on the settings button.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Open your profile settings in ‘My Family’.
  4. Tap on a ‘Calendar Color’ button.
  5. Tap on ‘Back’.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

App crashes.

Expected Result:

Settings page is opened.

You cannot cancel adding a family member



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Tap on an ‘Add Member’ button.
  4. Tap on ‘Back’ without entering any data.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

Alert popup is shown.

Expected Result:

Settings page is opened.

Add member page title is ‘Update Profile’



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Tap on an ‘Add Member’ button.
  4. Pay attention to the page title.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

Page title is ‘Update profile’ as if the profile already exists.

Expected Result:

Page title is ‘Add a member’.

Add member page title is ‘Update Profile’

Crash or unchecked boxes in the current profile after you roll down/up the app




There are two or more family members.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open ‘To-Do & Lists’ page.
  2. Tap on a ‘+’ button.
  3. Roll down and then roll up the app.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

App crashes. And after you repeat the steps, checked boxes disappear from the current profile.

Expected Result:

‘To-Do & Lists’ page is opened with previous statuses and items.

Complete duplicate of ‘To-Do’ list items can be created




There is a ‘Test’ to-do item in the list.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open ‘To-Do & Lists’ page.
  2. Tap on a ‘+’ button.
  3. Tap on an ‘Add To-Do’ button.
  4. Enter name ‘Test’.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 one more time.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

All duplicate ‘Test’ items are successfully created.

Expected Result:

Error message e.g. ‘Similar To-Do item already exists’ appears.

Complete duplicate of ‘To-Do’ list items can be created

No opportunity to choose the calendar color



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Open the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Go to the ‘Calendar settings’ block.
  3. Tap on a ‘Calendar Colors’ button.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

Empty page is opened.

Expected Result:

Color-picker page is opened.

Code part is shown in alert preview



Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Create a ‘To-Do’ item with an alert in 5 minutes.
  2. Block the screen.
  3. Wait for 5 minutes.
  4. Swipe the shown alert left and tap on ‘View’.

iPhone 6s (iOS 11.4)

Actual Result:

‘for_label’ code part is shown near the name.

Expected Result:

Alert data is shown as it was shown during creation.

Code part is shown in alert preview
Sometimes the idea of an app is just stunningly cool. Like, to the point when you want to use it daily. But still, insufficient attention to errors and glitches is what often ruins them. Their features are usually not that complex, so there soon appear similar apps. The bugs in the original application are not a complete deal-breaker, but would you rather use a buggy app or a stable one?
Evgeniia, QA engineer

Evgeniia, QA engineer

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