End-to-end solutions are our specialty at QAwerk. As a one-stop shop that provides high-end QA and software testing services for clients all over the world, we take great pride in our ability to help all of our partners solidify their businesses online. Our team stays ahead of the latest technology trends while offering an unparalleled combination of cutting-edge service, years of expertise, and sustained commitment to client success.
Our demonstrated dedication to serving customers and sharing our knowledge has garnered us recent acclaim from a number of business news and insight sources. Clutch, a B2B research and reviews website based in Washington, D.C., now features us on its list of the best software application testing firms in 2019.
Our ranking on Clutch results from an evaluation of our team’s market presence, client feedback, and portfolio, so we greatly value this recognition of our work from a verified third-party source.
In our Clutch reviews, in which our clients actually spoke with Clutch to talk about their experiences working with QAwerk, we’ve had an incredible opportunity to learn more about where we excel as a team. Hearing the feedback from our partners has only motivated us more to continue delivering projects that make our clients proud to call us their business partner of choice.
We have our first 5-star review on our profile, and we encourage you to read the entire review on Clutch. In the meantime, here’s a glimpse of what our client had to share:
The Manifest, a business insights platform and the sister site of Clutch, also noted our talent in the development and design industries, listing us amongst the software development companies. And lastly, Visual Objects, an online portfolio platform, now tabs QAwerk on its site as a leading software developer thanks to numerous examples of our successful previous partnerships.
Because of all the recognition from Visual Objects, The Manifest, and Clutch, our team at QAwerk is confident that our reach and impact will only continue to grow. We are excited to partner with new clients to help further their success, so we welcome you to get in touch with us if you wish to explore a collaboration.
Software testing process includes a row of different stages. To ensure fast and high-quality results it is critical to follow a plan designed for each project. But there is a general roadmap of actions for all testing procedures that also shall be applied.