Boost Your Online Store’s Performance This Black Friday

Test now, cash in later: site Black Friday-proof

Focus on maximizing sales and delighting your customers, knowing your e-commerce
platform is battle-tested. Prevent slowdowns and crashes, ensuring a smooth
shopping experience from product search to checkout.

Secure Your Spot

Catch Your Customers Before They Bounce This Black Friday

Calling all e-commerce leaders! Black Friday is coming, and it’s the biggest revenue bash of the year. Your site needs to be in top form because 40% of shoppers abandon a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Don’t let slow speeds, overwhelmed servers, or cart abandonment issues steal your thunder!

Let QAwerk run tests on your site so you can handle the rush like a pro. Instead of pulling your hair out during a site crash, you should prepare thoroughly and watch the sales pile-up. Ready to make this your best Black Friday yet?

Your Black Friday Testing Duo

Web Projects

Web Projects

Let’s make sure your site doesn’t buckle under Black Friday traffic. Here’s the deal: your site should be hosted on a dedicated server or a platform with elastic scaling. Why? Other setups are more prone to performance issues during high-traffic events. We’ll dig into everything from product searches to checkout processes, keeping your site fast and reliable.

Mobile Projects

Mobile Projects

With over 60% of online purchases happening on mobile devices, your mobile site needs to be rock-solid. We’ll simulate intense Black Friday traffic to see how well your mobile platform handles the surge. By focusing on critical areas like navigation and order placement, we help keep your customers’ shopping journey smooth, and your sales strong.

Supercharge Your Site with Our Testing Solutions

Load Testing

Did you know that 53% of mobile users will abandon a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load? We simulate real-world high-traffic conditions on your website to identify performance bottlenecks under peak usage. This ensures that your site remains fast and responsive, preventing slowdowns that could drive customers away during critical sales moments.

Load Testing

Stress Testing

We push your website to its absolute limits by gradually increasing the load until it breaks, simulating extreme scenarios like a 300% jump in traffic or processing 10,000 orders per minute. This helps us identify the breaking points and weaknesses in your system, allowing us to provide targeted recommendations to bolster your site’s resilience during extreme traffic surges like those expected on Black Friday.

What We Test and What You Get

Unleash Your Vision

Unleash Your Vision

When a high volume of users hits your site, they’ll be searching across various product categories and expecting lightning-fast results. We’ll proactively monitor response times, track CPU & memory usage, and identify any potential slowdowns or errors. These efforts allow your product search to remain fast and reliable, even under the heaviest load. The goal is to keep your customers engaged and satisfied with their search experience.

Unleash Your Vision

Testing Adding and Removing
Items from Cart

Imagine multiple users simultaneously adding and removing items from their carts. They’ll expect a seamless process, no matter how many items they juggle. By varying the number of items and closely monitoring database and server performance, we ensure the cart process stays responsive, minimizing any chance of cart abandonment.

Unleash Your Vision

Testing Navigation and Product Filters

Your customers will be navigating through different categories and applying various filters, expecting an intuitive browsing experience. We simulate these actions under high traffic, measuring page load times and monitoring server load to catch any slowdowns or errors. This way, your site does not crash even during peak shopping periods.

Testing Order Placement

Testing Order Placement

When it’s time to place orders, your customers will want a quick and hassle-free checkout process. We simulate a wide range of order scenarios under heavy traffic, tracking the time taken for each interaction and monitoring backend processes for any errors or delays. Our goal is to ensure that your checkout process is reliable so customers can complete their purchases without frustration.

Final Report

Final Report

After testing, you’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing everything we’ve tested. This includes an overview of the test objectives and scenarios, detailed results with metrics and observations, analysis of any performance issues and bottlenecks, and tailored recommendations for optimizing your site. Visual aids such as charts and graphs will be included to help you easily understand key findings and next steps.

Black Friday

NORMAL Traffic
up to 250 concurrent users
up to 5,000 users/day
PEAK Traffic
up to 1,000 concurrent users
up to 10,000 users/day

  • 6 test cases
  • Local e-commerce sites with moderate traffic

Meet a Rep

Black Friday

NORMAL Traffic
up to 5,000 concurrent users
20,000 – 100,000 users/day

PEAK Traffic
up to 10,000 concurrent users
up to 200 000 users/day

  • 6 test cases
  • Larger platforms with substantial traffic and significant peaks

Meet a Rep

Expecting lots of traffic?

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Helped platform speed up feature delivery with test automation and become #1 startup in Belgium


Helped Norway’s #1 study portal improve 8 of their content-heavy websites, which are used by 110 million students annually

Optimize Your Black Friday Testing

Every e-commerce site is unique, and so is its audience. Here are three essential tips for tailoring your Black Friday testing to ensure optimal performance

Diversify User Scenarios

Users behave differently, especially on Black Friday. Include varied scenarios such as browsing, adding items to carts without purchasing, and completing full transactions. This will give you a comprehensive view of how your site handles different user paths.

Test Your Promotions

Black Friday is all about deals and special promotions. Incorporate these promotional features into your testing scenarios, as they can significantly impact site performance. Ensuring these features run smoothly will keep your customers engaged.

Vouch for Your Checkout

The checkout process is where conversions happen, and it’s crucial that it runs without any hiccups. Simulate heavy traffic during the checkout process, including payment gateway integrations, to identify any potential slowdowns or issues.

Beyond the Hassle of Black Friday, We Can Help You With

Overnight Testing

We’ll keep an eye on your site while you sleep. Black Friday means sales don’t stop, and neither should your site’s performance. Let us catch any issues that could creep up during the night so your customers get a smooth experience 24/7.
Learn more

Penetration Testing

Let’s not give hackers a chance. During Black Friday, your site is a prime target. We’ll dig deep to uncover any security vulnerabilities before they do, keeping your customer data safe and your site running smoothly.
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Regression Testing

New features or updates right before Black Friday? No problem. We’ll make sure everything works together without a hitch so your customers enjoy a seamless shopping experience.
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Compatibility Testing

Your customers will shop on all sorts of devices and browsers. We’ll make sure your site looks and works great on all of them, no matter where your customers are shopping from.
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Security Testing

Black Friday is a magnet for cyber threats. We’ll run comprehensive security tests to make sure your site can handle anything thrown its way, protecting your business and your customers.
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Mobile Application Testing

A huge chunk of Black Friday shopping happens on mobile. We’ll make sure your app delivers a fast, user-friendly experience so you can capture every possible sale.
Learn more

Our Tech Stack

We leverage JavaScript for scripting and customizing test scenarios, allowing us to tailor each test to meet the unique needs of your site.

An open-source load testing tool built for developers and testers. k6 enables us to simulate high traffic and stress conditions, providing insights into how your site will perform under peak loads.

Grafana is our go-to platform for monitoring and observability. We use it to visualize performance test results and system metrics, making it easy for you to understand how your site is performing and where improvements can be made.


What does the final report include?

It includes an overview of test objectives, detailed results with metrics, an analysis of performance issues, optimization recommendations, and visual aids like charts.

What affects the cost of performance testing?

Costs depend on the number of test scenarios, custom scenario complexity, types of testing (load vs. stress), and the number of concurrent users.

What’s included in the estimate?

The estimate covers test strategy development, tool setup, script creation, test execution, monitoring, analysis, reporting, and project management.

How long does a project take, and what does it cost?

A project lasts up to two weeks. The pricing models reflect all the work-hours of testing, as well as the infrastructure costs.

What do you need from us to start?

We need API documentation, a staging environment similar to production, server resource usage data, and a setup suitable for performance testing, like non-elastic scaling hosting.

The QA team has been a great help for the release of our new offering, Unfold for Brands. The team has really put themselves in the place of the user to find any bugs or user experience issues, mitigating any potential issues at launch.
star star star star star
Alfonso Cobo
We've worked with QAwerk to handle the QA of our native desktop app. They've done a tremendous job and even went out of their way to ensure the quality of the app. We'll continue working with them in the future.
star star star star star
Julien Berthomier

Are you ready to handle the Black
Friday surge?

Prevent slowdowns, crashes, and lost sales during the biggest shopping day of the year.

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