Desktop Application Testing Services in France

Quality desktop applications testing in France
to achieve consistent software features

Many businesses develop desktop applications in order to solve specific tasks and meet the unique needs of their business.
Windows, macOS, Linux, or cross-platform software will help you create a perfect application for your needs.

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Make sure your desktop app meets the requirements.

Desktop applications, despite being less popular than mobile and tablet apps, are still in use by businesses in France. This is due to their graphics-intensive nature; for example, CRM (customer relationship management) and ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems as well as industrial automation systems. Testing these applications is important not only because it helps avoid negative effects on business efforts but also because outsourcing the process to a professional software testing firm makes it easier and more affordable. A few tasks that companies prefer an external tester to perform include:

  • verifying functionality of app components
  • confirming accuracy of data entered into the application.
Desktop Application Testing Services

Desktop App Testing in France by Platform

Windows Application Testing

Testing Windows applications in France involves a comprehensive test process that examines stability, security, compatibility, and other factors. We have extensive experience conducting manual testing on desktop systems as well as using automated tools to evaluate software functionality. Our team can help improve the quality of your applications by performing tests in this area.

OS X Application Testing

Apple users are demanding, and so it is important for app developers to take the time necessary to make their software as reliable as possible. Our QA engineers in France are prepared to test your application on a variety of macOS versions, ensuring that it runs smoothly across all platforms.

Testing for Unix-like Platforms

UNIX-like platforms require a certain way of working, which is why it’s difficult to test applications on them without prior experience. Qawerks team very excited about taking part in this project and learning more about UNIX!

Case Studies from France

Performed exemplary regression testing of a desktop app with 600+ integrations on Windows, MacOS, and Ubuntu

Need desktop application testing services?

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Windows 10

macOS High Sierra

Ubuntu 18.04



We've worked with QAwerk to handle the QA of our native desktop app. They've done a tremendous job and even went out of their way to ensure the quality of the app. We'll continue working with them in the future.
Julien Berthomier
Julien Berthomier, CEO & Co-Founder at Station

Looking for a desktop application testing company in France?

We will be happy to help you with the testing of your project and provide you with our top-quality outsourcing services.

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