7 Ways to Improve Software Testing: Best Practices

7 Ways to Improve Software Testing: Best Practices

Raise your hand if you have experienced an unreasonable lack of organization, poor scheduling, and daunting bug reports. Okay, there is no point in sitting in front of your computer with your hand in the air. After all, it is not very suitable for serious C-level executives. So here are 7 software testing best practices that will help you achieve a smoother software testing process, so you can respond faster to market changes.
QAwerk Recognized with IAOP’s Global Outsourcing 100 Award for 2024

QAwerk Recognized with IAOP’s Global Outsourcing 100 Award for 2024

Providing top-tier software testing services is one of our main goals. Since 2015, we've empowered global businesses, from ambitious startups to industry leaders, to release high-quality products. Over 1 billion people worldwide use products we've helped refine. Recognition for our achievements fuels our commitment to pushing boundaries and reaching even greater heights.
Testing Eurovision Apps: Are They Accessible to All?

Testing Eurovision Apps: Are They Accessible to All?

Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) is an international song competition known for its musical extravaganza and inclusivity. The 2023 event was viewed live by 162 mln people with largest audiences tuning in from the UK, Germany, Italy, and Spain.
Software Testing Tarot Reading for April 2024

Software Testing Tarot Reading for April 2024

Welcome to the wild world of software testing, where bugs are the ultimate frenemies waiting to stab you in the backend. To test or not to test that is a question. Scared your founder’s hunch might betray you? Rely on the Universe to make this choice for you.
iOS 17 Beta Features and Bugs

iOS 17 Beta Features and Bugs

Our QA team prepared a comprehensive overview of iOS 17 beta features and bugs. Read on to see real screenshots and new features in action!
Top 5 Game Testing Companies in 2024

Top 5 Game Testing Companies in 2024

How to choose the best QA providers? Learn about top 5 game testing companies you can trust and rely on.
What Is Broken Authentication? Examples and How to Prevent It

What Is Broken Authentication? Examples and How to Prevent It

What is broken authentication? What makes a strong password? How can poor session management result in broken authentication? Read on to find out.
Unicorn Tech Companies in 2021: How are They Coping?

Unicorn Tech Companies in 2021: How are They Coping?

The year 2020 has been rough on unicorn companies around the world. From the pandemic to the eventual economic recession, businesses have struggled to cope with these challenges. Although some unicorns like Quibi and Stay Alfred shut down completely, others have managed to scale through the challenges. Companies like Squarespace stayed the course and got
Popular Bugs in Mobile Apps: Bug Crawl Stats

Popular Bugs in Mobile Apps: Bug Crawl Stats

We’ve come to a point when it’s time to look back and evaluate the results of our Bug Crawl initiative. With almost 200 apps tested for free, we can make some evidence-based conclusions and hopefully save thousands of mobile developers and QA engineers from repeating the same mistakes. If we are just meeting, you probably
COVID-19: QAwerk goes remote

COVID-19: QAwerk goes remote

Coronavirus pandemic made us all stop in the daily rush and look at things from a different angle. Social life rituals we’re all used to will no longer be in place, business traveling and meetings are prohibited, transportation connections are broken. Is there a bigger meaning for the humanity behind the spread of COVID-19 virus,