11 Best Website Testing Tools in 2024

11 Best Website Testing Tools in 2024

Do you remember how the websites looked just ten years ago? Our web experience was rather limited. Each passing year, websites are becoming more complex, with functionalities that were once unimaginable.
11 Best Bug Tracking Tools & Software in 2024

11 Best Bug Tracking Tools & Software in 2024

Software glitches happen, and they can be a real headache. They slow us down, confuse users, and hurt the overall experience. Finding and fixing these bugs quickly is essential.
The Best Technical Writing Tools & Software in 2024

The Best Technical Writing Tools & Software in 2024

In a world where information is power, conveying complex technical concepts in a clear and comprehensible manner is crucial. Technical writers play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between technical information and a broader audience. However, to effectively translate complex data into understandable content, having the right set of tools is imperative.
Challenges in Automation Testing with Selenium

Challenges in Automation Testing with Selenium

Testing is a vital phase in software development and an absolute must for flawless software aligned with customer needs. Testing software manually can consume a significant amount of time and effort when done by individuals lacking experience and the necessary skills in this area.
Page Object Model (POM) vs Page Factory in Selenium Automation

Page Object Model (POM) vs Page Factory in Selenium Automation

When building an automation testing framework, one of the crucial aspects is to determine how to design tests in a way that allows for the distribution of execution logic independently from the implementation.
15 Best Mobile Testing Tools in 2024

15 Best Mobile Testing Tools in 2024

Mobile app development is evolving at a very fast pace. There’s an app for almost everything, from dating and tracking sleep cycles to making doctor’s appointments and booking flights. Shopping, music, finance, fitness classes, news, and reading — digital users can get all this done through apps.
Karate vs. REST-Assured: API Automated Testing with Java

Karate vs. REST-Assured: API Automated Testing with Java

API testing is a critical stage in the QA process that involves analyzing application program interfaces (APIs) to evaluate their functionality, security, performance, and reliability.
Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing

Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing: A Complete Comparison

Both alpha and beta testing are forms of user acceptance testing, allowing to build confidence before the product launch. Both of them help collect actionable feedback and increase product usability. However, despite more or less similar basic goals, alpha and beta tests are carried out in different ways, so some teams still wonder what type of testing to prefer. To dispel any doubts, we will explain the difference between alpha and beta testing.
search for bugs in the code

How to Write a Good Bug Report? Best Practices

Bug tracking, reporting and fixing are integral processes in software development. Among all of these tasks, reporting may seem to be the least important one, but it isn’t like that. The better the report is, the faster the bug gets fixed. In turn, if the report doesn’t provide all the essential details or does this
New manual Android app testing tool released – QAwerk Bug Hunter

New manual Android app testing tool released – QAwerk Bug Hunter

Mobile app testing’s importance is no longer a subject for discussion as more and more businesses now understand their commercial success equals the quality of their software. Living in the era of new mobile apps appearing almost every day, consumers get used to experimenting with new products and easily move on from companies failing to