Ultimate Front-End Testing Checklist

Ultimate Front-End Testing Checklist

Imagine a company deciding to skip the front-end testing phase due to tight deadlines. "Everything's fine on the back-end, so why worry, right?" Will neglecting front-end testing help save on project budget? Definitely not.
Desktop Game Testing Checklist: Your Comprehensive Manual

Desktop Game Testing Checklist: Your Comprehensive Manual

How can you elevate your desktop game from “meh” to “mind-blowing”? A simple answer is thorough testing followed by bug fixing and retesting. The whole process should involve diverse hardware setups, ruthless performance checks, and an eagle eye for anything that could snag the player experience.
UI Testing Checklist: A Guide for Perfect Web UI

UI Testing Checklist: A Guide for Perfect Web UI

In today’s competitive landscape, a visually consistent website design is an absolute must-have to deliver exceptional user experiences. With so much online content, users are more likely to stay on your website and engage with your brand if they feel comfortable and familiar with the design. That’s why achieving visual consistency in web design is essential and can make all the difference in creating a loyal user base.
SaaS Testing Checklist: Your Full QA Guide

SaaS Testing Checklist: Your Full QA Guide

In the evolving digital age, Software as a Service (SaaS) has become integral to businesses worldwide. With a projected market size of over $462 billion by 2028, the SaaS model delivers applications over the Internet without requiring users to install or maintain any software.
Mobile Game Testing: Detailed QA Checklist

Mobile Game Testing: Detailed QA Checklist

The mobile gaming sector has experienced an unprecedented surge in the past few years, with its market size mushrooming faster than any other entertainment segment. To put it in perspective, recent data suggests that the mobile gaming market, now worth billions, has been expanding at a rate of 7.4% annually.
Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing

Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing: A Complete Comparison

Both alpha and beta testing are forms of user acceptance testing, allowing to build confidence before the product launch. Both of them help collect actionable feedback and increase product usability. However, despite more or less similar basic goals, alpha and beta tests are carried out in different ways, so some teams still wonder what type of testing to prefer. To dispel any doubts, we will explain the difference between alpha and beta testing.
Complete Website Testing Checklist

Complete Website Testing Checklist

Any software development life cycle should involve a testing phase — otherwise, the product already delivered to end users may be full of defects, which will result in a large number of negative reviews, lost customers, and dropoffs. Apparently, websites and web apps aren`t an exception. To ensure their high quality and stable performance, it’s
test cases

How to Write Test Cases: QAwerk’s Comprehensive Guide

  Right from the start, we are set to announce that there is no single all-purpose test case type. However, there is an easy-to-follow set of practices and solutions that, when implemented properly, will result in a good one. We’ve put together the test case writing best practices – read on to discover them all
search for bugs in the code

How to Write a Good Bug Report? Best Practices

Bug tracking, reporting and fixing are integral processes in software development. Among all of these tasks, reporting may seem to be the least important one, but it isn’t like that. The better the report is, the faster the bug gets fixed. In turn, if the report doesn’t provide all the essential details or does this
QA in Software Development: Role and Importance

QA in Software Development: Role and Importance

High quality. These are the ultimate “holy grail” words in any business niche, project life-cycle, service implementation, etc. It’s easy to save on a “small” thing or two – the long-standing results of such “cost-effectiveness”, however, are truly nasty in 9 out of 10 cases. This is an especially relevant state of things during the