Author: Elmira Khabarova

Elmira Khabarova

Content Marketing Manager at QAwerk

Elmira is an experienced content creator with a flair for translating tech trends into engaging narratives. Her insightful writing reflects years of crafting content that resonates within the tech industry.

Recent posts by Elmira

Top 15 QA Events in 2024: Ultimate Guide

Top 15 QA Events in 2024: Ultimate Guide

Welcome to our new rundown of the biggest tech events! We’ve gone through just about every QA conference of the year and picked out the best ones for you. Our team went the extra mile to sift throug...

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Software Testing Tarot Reading for April 2024

Software Testing Tarot Reading for April 2024

Welcome to the wild world of software testing, where bugs are the ultimate frenemies waiting to stab you in the backend. To test or not to test that is a question. Scared your founder’s hunch might ...

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Top QA events in 2024: Quarter 2 Ultimate Guide

Top QA events in 2024: Quarter 2 Ultimate Guide

QAwerk is keeping the tradition alive with our latest rundown of biggest tech events. Whether you're a seasoned tester, a cybersecurity enthusiast, or just dipping your toes into the industry waters, ...

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Top QA events in 2024: Quarter 1 Ultimate Guide

Top QA events in 2024: Quarter 1 Ultimate Guide

QAwerk has prepared a guide on tech events for QA engineers, software testers, security professionals, test automation engineers, and anyone interested in delivering high-quality products. No more tal...

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The Best Technical Writing Tools & Software in 2024

The Best Technical Writing Tools & Software in 2024

In a world where information is power, conveying complex technical concepts in a clear and comprehensible manner is crucial. Technical writers play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between technical...

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Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2023

Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2023

We are thrilled to share our 2023 corporate social responsibility (CSR) report! At QAwerk, we believe that a business can be both profitable and responsible. We are committed to helping businesses shi...

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Top QA events in 2023: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Top QA events in 2023: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Is it already the fourth quarter? Time is flying by! We hope you had the chance to attend some of the conferences from our previous event list and gather up-to-date information, practical tips, and va...

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Top QA events in 2023: Quarter 3 Ultimate Guide

Top QA events in 2023: Quarter 3 Ultimate Guide

We are thrilled to present you with an exclusive lineup of upcoming QA events that have been carefully tailored to equip you with invaluable knowledge and propel your career to new heights. Get ready ...

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TechTalk with Pablo Ruiz-Múzquiz from Penpot

TechTalk with Pablo Ruiz-Múzquiz from Penpot

Welcome to another series of tech talks with our clients. This time we’ll talk about Penpot, an open-source startup built just two years ago and already seeing tens of thousands of sign-ups and hund...

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Top QA events in 2023: Quarter 2 Ultimate Guide

Top QA events in 2023: Quarter 2 Ultimate Guide

Attending tech conferences globally allows you to connect with leading experts who readily share their knowledge and experience in software development and testing. Don’t miss out on your chance to ...

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TechTalk with Oana Timis from VirtaMed

TechTalk with Oana Timis from VirtaMed

We continue our series of interviews with remarkable tech professionals we were fortunate to partner with. This tech talk is devoted to VirtaMed, their innovative VR simulators, incredible QA team, ap...

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TechTalk with Zach Naimon from Arctype

TechTalk with Zach Naimon from Arctype

Welcome to another tech talk where we’ll learn about what it’s like to develop a product in an early-stage startup, what it takes to pivot your solution the right way, why investing in software te...

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QAwerk’s Effort in Making Arctype ClickHouse’s Choice

QAwerk’s Effort in Making Arctype ClickHouse’s Choice

Arctype debuted on Product Hunt in December 2021 after two years of building. Fast-forward to October 2022, and Arctype is already acquired by ClickHouse, one of the most promising database companies....

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Top QA Events in 2023: Quarter 1 Ultimate Guide

Top QA Events in 2023: Quarter 1 Ultimate Guide

Learn about upcoming QA events in 2023: in-person and virtual options across the world listed! ...

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Top QA events in 2022: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Top QA events in 2022: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Learn about upcoming tech events for software testers, QA analysts, QA leads, and IT decision makers! In-person, online, and hybrid options listed....

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Tech Talk with Jon Pass, COO of Magic Mountain

Tech Talk with Jon Pass, COO of Magic Mountain

We’re thrilled to launch a new blog format - tech talks with remarkable IT professionals, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders across industries who also happen to be QAwerk clients. In th...

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QAwerk Clients Stand With Ukraine

QAwerk Clients Stand With Ukraine

There’s hardly any person who hasn’t heard about Russia invading Ukraine on February 24th. As a Ukraine-based company, we are directly affected, and we can’t stay silent. The lives of millions...

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Top QA Events in 2022: Quarter 1 Ultimate Guide

Top QA Events in 2022: Quarter 1 Ultimate Guide

[table_content] Top QA Events in 2022 The Ultimate Guide by QAwerk Quarter 1 HEK.SI Automation Guild Agile, DevOps & Testing Advanced TDD QA Global Summit Test Automation & ...

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Top QA Events in 2021: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Top QA Events in 2021: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

[table_content] Top QA Events in 2021 The Ultimate Guide by QAwerk QA: Challenge Accepted STARWEST The National Software Testing Conference HUSTEF 2021 – Hungarian S...

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Top QA Events in 2021: Quarter 3 Ultimate Guide

Top QA Events in 2021: Quarter 3 Ultimate Guide

[table_content] Top QA Events in 2021 The Ultimate Guide by QAwerk Quarter 3 Test Automation & Digital QA Virtual Summit ISSTA, International Symposium on Software Testing and A...

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Top QA Events in 2021: Quarter 2 Ultimate Guide

Top QA Events in 2021: Quarter 2 Ultimate Guide

[table_content] Top QA Events in 2021 The Ultimate Guide by QAwerk: Part II IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Testing Stage SQA...

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QAwerk is officially part of Kyiv tech ecosystem: TNW X’s listing

QAwerk is officially part of Kyiv tech ecosystem: TNW X’s listing

[table_content] About TNW X More on the Ukrainian tech ecosystem Benefits of hiring Ukrainian IT specialists Types of IT companies in Ukraine How QAwerk became TNW X’s choice What makes us sta...

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QAwerk’s effort in the launch of Unfold for Brands

QAwerk’s effort in the launch of Unfold for Brands

The story behind our cooperation with Unfold started about two years ago with QAwerk’s bug crawl report. What first seemed as a one-time deal grew into a long-lasting partnership that resulted in mu...

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QAwerk’s Effort in Making Unfold Squarespace’s Choice

QAwerk’s Effort in Making Unfold Squarespace’s Choice

QAwerk is an international QA and software testing agency that focuses on making your software smooth and flawless. Namely, we thoroughly test desktop, mobile, and web solutions, design documentation ...

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